Ordzhonikidze -en route. 15. 6. 38.
This is Mount Kazbeg - 16,000 ft.
I have just come back from Tiflis passing this view for the second time. Each day glorious & sunny: 2 days of Caucasian sun has blistered my face to a horrid sight. It is peeling like the scales of a lobster. This Georgian highway exceeds all expectations. 140 miles, a 9 hour drive which beggars description. I must simply wait until I get back. Tiflis is a fine town too: 1/2 million inhabitants of about 30 different races. I was lucky to see a monster demonstration celebrating the election to the Georgian Republic Supreme Soviet. This card is printed in Georgian & Russian. Looking forward to seeing you on the 23rd. On the 24th we might go to the LBC meeting to hear Major Hooper on Red Army.
Yours Douglas.